
is not a goal...
It's a by-product of a 

Life well lived.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Jonathan made his first sale in Kindergarten by selling his friends pizza slices, earning enough money to buy a pizza and eat his for free. His mom was shocked. His dad was quite proud.


Kelsey's first memory in business was pressure washing driveways, babysitting, and pet sitting in order to make money for his first mission trip to Haiti at 12 years old.


Kelsey's favorite hidden skill is the ability to use freediving breathing to calm yourself down if you're nervous before talking in front of people.


Jonathan's go-to snack for brainstorming is trail mix, but Kelsey picks popcorn...better yet, popcorn with M&Ms.


Jonathan's favorite business as a kid was going scuba diving with his dad and selling the lobsters he caught.

did you know?

5 facts about Jon & Kels as kids