It’s easier for ALL OF US when we understand the WHY behind what we’re being asked to do. And of course, that’s no different for our kids although I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been guilty of forgetting this. “Because I said so” has been flopping for decades and yet, we’ve all found ourselves at a loss for a stronger reason at least once.
We are home… Still home. And we’re not going anywhere for a while! As kiddos get restless (and ask if they can please go hang out with their friends for the 3rd time today, speaking hypothetically of course. 😉 In those moments, it’s crucial that we understand the why behind social distancing.
I LOVE this video from Mark Rober (one of my son’s favorite YouTubers), it’s the best video explanation I’ve seen about spreading germs (even for me as the adult). And as a bonus, your kiddo will have a chance to absorb a science lesson in the process.
And if you’re needing some Science Lessons for your kids. Mark is offering a Science lesson live and free on YouTube M-W-F at 1 pm PT. Here’s all the lesson’s he’s done so far.
Need more online learning resources? If you need more online resources for other subjects, we’ve created an entire post dedicated to online learning resources and divided it by subject and then grade!